4 Ways that Hearing Aids can Improve Music Listening
As we get older, hearing the music we love tends to change in the overall sound. It might not quite come together in the same way it used to years ago. The great news is that hearing aids can help you get back some of those sounds that you are missing. It will take a little work on your part, though.
Hearing aids are built to pick up the sounds you need to hear, like a conversation, all while helping to block the background noises that can be distracting. In the past, hearing aids have mistaken some of the musical sounds to be background noise. For instance, they may take a musical chord and mistake it for background noise that is usually blocked out in an effort to pick up what the hearing aids think is most important. Dropping that chord in a song can make a big difference and change the overall sound you hear.
Other traits of hearing aids include suppressing feedback tones as well as boosting or reducing the wrong notes (or sounds) in a song. All part of the potential issues you may experience while listening to your favorite tunes.
Listening to music for the first time after getting hearing aids can be frustrating and a bit disheartening, but there are some tips and tricks that you can try to make the experience as great as you desire. So let’s check out some of the things you can do on your part to optimize your musical experience.
1. Gather Sounds You’ve Been Missing
Whether you realize it or not, there are sounds you’ve been missing out on before hearing aids. However, those sounds can be brought back for you if you’re willing to wear them each day. Also, work closely with your audiologist to find just the right settings for your hearing device.
Once you have the kinks worked out, you’ll find a reduction in some of those annoying sounds you’ve been dealing with. Things like tinnitus (ringing in your ears), continual buzzing, and more will dissipate, allowing you to hear the things you desire more clearly. Removing these repetitive noises that shouldn’t be there and adding in the good sounds you’ve been missing will make your overall musical experience remarkable!
2. Find the Right Hearing Aid for You
We are lucky to have continual advancements in technology taking place in almost every facet of our lives. Hearing aids are no exception. There are many different companies with different options available to make the user more comfortable and happy about the outcome they are experiencing.
Maybe you are someone that has had hearing aids for 10 or more years and are ready for an upgrade in sound and comfort level. Don’t wait any longer! You’ll be surprised at how hearing aids have changed and improved in recent years.
Talk to your audiologist about your specific needs, and be ready and willing to learn about the details and options available to you. It may take time and even switching to a different kind of hearing aid for you to find what fits you best. Take heart. It will be worth it as you are able to reconnect with those you love and the world around you.
3. Custom Music Programs Customized for You
Music hits all kinds of ranges. This can make it tough on hearing aids when they are set to their default settings. Many people think the fix is to simply turn up the volume, but that will only cause more hearing damage.
The best thing to do is talk to your audiologist about setting up a custom adjustment that you can make depending on the environment. Different settings include different sounds. For example, you can be in an environment where there is just conversation and another place with loud music. Because of this, you need to know how your hearing aids can be adjusted to accommodate those changes in atmosphere and sound.
Technology now allows you to make those adjustments with a remote, smartphone, or manually right on your hearing aids. If the program that your audiologist first gives you isn’t quite hitting the mark, talk to your hearing specialist again so another program can be set up. Minor tweaks may need to be made to get it just right.
4. Give Amplified Headphones a Try
Headphones, in general, are often very aggravating when it comes to finding some that work well with hearing aids. The fit alone can be rough, depending on the type of hearing aids you have. Then there is the audio feedback you can get from your hearing aids that can be a nightmare.
Amplified or noise-canceling headphones do just what they say – they amplify sound while blocking out the outside noise. Trying out different fits in person will ensure you get the headphones that work best for you. Make sure to try several different kinds and brands. Do a little research before going to the store so you know what you should be looking for as you try to pair your new headphones with your current hearing aid situation.
Get Back to Enjoying Music Once Again
Hearing loss has a dramatic effect on your everyday life, including when it comes to enjoying your favorite music, concert, symphony, or band. Fortunately, technology and continued research and learning have provided ways to relish your favorite songs once again.
Now that you’ve learned some ways to improve your musical experience with hearing aids, you can give them a try. Figure out what tips work for you and your specific hearing aid situation as well as the kind of music you tend to appreciate.
Fairfax Hearing Center is equipped to help you improve your entire hearing experience, including listening to music. For more information about how we can help, contact our knowledgeable team at Fairfax Hearing Center today. You could be a consultation away from starting your journey to enjoying music once again.